Hello 👋 I am,

Web Developer

AI Enthusiast

I am Ayesh Vininda, 🌍 based in Galle, 🇱🇰 Sri Lanka, residing at 🏡 No-05 Top Ten Garden, Temple Rd, Akmeemana.

About Me

I'm 🌟 a curious student currently pursuing studies in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at the esteemed University of Moratuwa. 💡 I am a passionate Web Application Developer and AI Enthusiast with a strong background in deep learning. 💻 As a dedicated practitioner in the field, I specialize in turning innovative ideas into powerful solutions. 🚀

Areas of Expertise

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing

Big Data & Cloud Computing

Big Data & Cloud Computing

System Design

System Design

Web Development

Web Development

Data Science

Data Science

Let's Connect

So come along and join me on my journey of discovery and exploration. Let's build some amazing things together! 🌱👨‍💻💫

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.

- Arthur C. Clarke